Francesca Bertha

Francesca Bertha | Fine Art & Design

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The Tree of Life is an ancient symbol that represents the interconnectedness of all forms of life on Earth.

Albero della vita verde dipinto originale di Francesca Bertha

Albero della vita XMMXXIVI

Acrilic on wooden board

40 cm x 40 cm

Original artwork, signed and certified

120 euro

To purchase it, please fill out the form,

or if you have any questions, please write to me.

The deep roots of the Tree of Life symbolize our connection with the past and stability, while its branches reaching towards the sky represent growth, evolution, and the pursuit of knowledge.

What makes it special, besides the tree in slight relief, are the colors.
The main shades of the painting are green, which is connected to the fourth chakra and symbolizes calm, balance, and harmony.

In the painting, you’ll also find many shades of blue and turquoise, along with a touch of bronze.
You’ll notice that the painting appears different depending on the light source it’s exposed to.

Thanks to its colors, this painting is perfect for the bedroom, living room, or any other spot in the house where you usually relax.

To purchase it, please fill out the form,

or if you have any questions, please write to me.

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